Authoritative Vs Authoritarian Parenting Style

Are you a parent who wants to raise your children in the best way possible? The parenting style you choose can have a huge impact on your child’s development. Today, we’re going to explore two different approaches- authoritative and authoritarian parenting. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, but which one is right for you and your family?

The authoritative parenting style is focused on developing independence and self-discipline through understanding and communication. It encourages respect, open dialogue and negotiation between parents and children. On the other hand, authoritarian parenting is more rigid in its approach; it relies heavily on rules, discipline and structure.

Let's dive into both of these styles of parenting to better understand how they differ from each other and how they can help or hinder the growth of your child. We'll discuss their pros and cons as well as tips for implementing them in your home. So if you're looking for advice on how to parent effectively, stay tuned!


I'm sure you've heard the terms 'authoritative' and 'authoritarian' parenting style. But what exactly do they mean? It's important to understand the difference between the two, since each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Authoritative parenting is a style in which parents are both demanding and responsive. They have high expectations for their children, but provide guidance and support in helping them reach those expectations. This type of parenting also encourages independence and encourages open discussion between parent and child.

On the other hand, authoritarian parenting is a style that is much more demanding without providing any guidance or support. The parent expects their child to obey without question, often using punishments as a means of control. There is little room for discussion or input from the child - it is expected that they simply follow orders.

With this type of parenting style, children may feel powerless or even resentful towards their parent. With no guidance or help, they may struggle to meet expectations while feeling unsupported in their efforts. Now let's look at some characteristics of authoritative parenting that distinguish it from authoritarian parenting.

Characteristics Of Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parenting is a style of raising children that encourages independence and respect. It focuses on developing a positive relationship between parent and child, while also setting clear expectations and boundaries. This parenting approach is often considered the “gold standard” in child-rearing. Here are some key characteristics of authoritative parenting:

1. High expectations for behavior: Authoritative parents set high standards for their children’s behavior, but they also provide support and guidance to help them meet these expectations.

2. Open communication: Authoritative parents foster open communication with their children and encourage their children to express themselves freely. They listen to their children’s opinions and ideas and work together to find solutions when problems arise.

3. Balanced discipline: Authoritative parents use balanced discipline strategies, such as logical consequences or natural consequences, to teach their children about right and wrong without resorting to punishment or humiliation.

This type of parenting has been linked to better academic performance, higher self-esteem, greater resilience, more acceptance of others, fewer behavioral problems, better social skills, and fewer risky behaviors in adolescents. It is important to remember that each family is unique, so it is important to find the right balance between being authoritative and authoritarian based on the needs of each individual child.

Characteristics Of Authoritarian Parenting

Moving away from the authoritative parenting style, authoritarian parenting is a more rigid form of parenting. This type of parenting puts emphasis on obedience and conformity, often using punishments for misbehavior. The focus in an authoritarian household is on rules that are expected to be followed without question. Parents in this setting have little to no tolerance for mistakes and use harsh discipline to reinforce their demands.

When it comes to communication, authoritarian parents have less of a dialogue with their children; instead, they issue orders and expect them to be followed. There is typically little encouragement for exploration or creativity, as the goal is for the child to simply obey what they are told. As a result, children may feel like their opinions are not valued or understood by their parents.

In an authoritarian household, there may also be a lack of warmth and support when it comes to emotional needs. Children may feel neglected because their parents do not take the time to listen or help them with problems they are facing. As a result, children in this type of family environment may struggle with forming healthy relationships outside of the home or expressing themselves in an open way.

The next section will explore the benefits of authoritative parenting and how it can differ from authoritarian parenting in terms of creating healthier relationships between parents and their children.

Benefits Of Authoritative Parenting

The authoritative parenting style is often compared to the authoritarian approach, and for good reason. With authoritative parenting, parents provide clear expectations and limits but also encourage their children to be independent, creative thinkers who are able to make their own decisions. This parenting style has been proven time and time again to yield positive results for children.

Imagining a home filled with warm embraces and encouraging words paints a picture of one that follows this style of parenting. Authoritative parents are open-minded and patient, while still providing structure and rules that help their kids learn responsibility. These parents give their children a sense of security by setting boundaries while also being available to talk about anything that comes up in life.

This type of parenting fosters an environment where kids feel like they can talk freely, express themselves, and ask questions without fear of repercussions. As a result, children grow up feeling secure in themselves and confident in the decisions they make both now and when they become adults.

Benefits Of Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parenting is a style that emphasizes strict rules, expectations and discipline. It is based on the idea that the parent knows best and should be the one to make decisions for their child. This parenting style can be beneficial in many ways, as it helps children develop self-discipline, respect for authority and a sense of responsibility.

Firstly, authoritarian parents often set high standards for their children which can lead to higher levels of achievement. When parents expect more from their kids, they tend to perform better in school or other activities. They also learn how to take responsibility for their own actions and become self-disciplined individuals.

Secondly, this style of parenting gives children a clear understanding of the rules and boundaries set by their parents. Kids are more likely to respect authority if they know what they are expected to do and understand why certain things are not allowed. Learning to follow rules teaches them how to respect others around them as well as themselves.

Lastly, authoritarian parenting can help create a secure environment for kids by providing structure and guidance in their lives. Parents who use this approach tend to make sure all needs are met and provide support when needed. This can lead to healthier relationships between parents and children as well as a greater sense of security within the family unit.

The next section will discuss the disadvantages of authoritative parenting.

Disadvantages Of Authoritative Parenting

Like a double-edged sword, though authoritative parenting has its many benefits, it also carries some potential drawbacks. Like any other style of parenting, this one too has its pros and cons that must be carefully weighed. To hit the nail on the head, let's take a closer look at the disadvantages of authoritative parenting.

To begin with, being too lenient when it comes to enforcing rules can have negative consequences. While authoritative parents strive to be understanding and responsive to their children's needs and feelings, they may end up setting few boundaries or expectations for their children. This can lead to a sense of entitlement in the child with them not having an appreciation for responsibility or discipline.

Furthermore, by providing too much freedom without guidance, authoritative parents run the risk of their children becoming rebellious and unruly. As opposed to authoritarian parents who may not give enough freedom, these parents tend to provide too much freedom that can cause kids to become unruly and defiant as they get older. With no clear boundaries or expectations set in place by their parents, these kids are likely to act out in destructive ways due to a lack of structure and direction in life.

Finally, while authoritative parents want their kids to grow up with confidence and self-esteem, they may sometimes inadvertently create an environment where their kids feel entitled and lack accountability for their actions. Without clear guidelines for behavior or consequences for bad decisions, these children may develop an attitude of "I do what I want" which can have disastrous results down the road.

By understanding both the advantages and disadvantages of authoritative parenting ahead of time, you can make sure that your own parenting style is tailored appropriately depending on your particular situation and goals for your kids' upbringing. That being said, it’s important to remember that every family is different - so while there are certain guidelines you should aim to follow as a parent , ultimately you will need to decide what works best for you and your family as you move forward together into the future.

Disadvantages Of Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parenting can have damaging effects on children who grow up in such an environment. This style of parenting fails to build a strong emotional connection between the parent and child and does not teach the child skills for problem-solving or independent thinking. Research shows that children raised by authoritarian parents are more likely to experience feelings of insecurity, fear, and depression.

Additionally, authoritarian parenting limits a child’s autonomy and freedom of expression. Parents who use this approach tend to be very controlling and dictate what their children can do or say. This prevents children from developing their own opinions or developing self-esteem. Furthermore, this type of parenting can lead to low self-confidence as children may start to feel like they are not capable of making decisions on their own.

The lack of warmth and communication associated with authoritarian parenting may also affect how well a child interacts with peers. Without proper guidance on social skills, they may experience difficulty building relationships with other people or expressing themselves in social situations. As such, it is important for parents to find balance when raising children so that they can develop into confident adults capable of interacting with others successfully.

These disadvantages demonstrate why it is important for parents to strike a balance between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles in order to ensure that their children grow up feeling secure and confident in themselves. The next section will discuss the impact these styles have on children's social skills development.

Impact On Children’s Social Skills

Authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles have a lasting impact on children's social skills. Authoritative parenting involves setting clear expectations, having open communication with your child, and providing warmth and support. On the other hand, authoritarian parenting relies heavily on strict rules, limited communication between parent and child, and punishment as a means of control. The effects of these two parenting styles on children’s social skills are quite different.

Children raised in an authoritative home are more likely to develop positive social skills such as empathy, effective communication, and problem-solving. They learn how to express themselves without fear of being judged or belittled by their parents. They also become better at managing their emotions in challenging situations.

In contrast, children raised in an authoritarian environment may struggle with developing strong relationships with others due to feeling constantly controlled and judged. They also may have trouble expressing their feelings in healthy ways because their parents do not provide them with the opportunity to do so openly. Additionally, they may feel anxious about making mistakes since there is a lack of warmth from their parents when it comes to discipline and punishment.

The differences between the authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles are clear when it comes to the impact on children’s social skills. While an authoritative approach can help foster healthy relationships with others, an authoritarian style can lead to feelings of insecurity and tension that can hinder a child's ability to interact positively with others. Moving forward into the next section about 'impact on children’s emotional development', we will explore how these differences affect a child’s emotional wellbeing.

Impact On Children’s Emotional Development

Authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles have a profound impact on a child’s emotional development. The authoritative parenting style is characterized by warmth, firmness and clear boundaries set for the child to follow. This type of parenting encourages independence and communication in the child, fostering positive emotions such as self-esteem, confidence, and resilience. On the other hand, authoritarian parenting is characterized by strict rules that are enforced without discussion or negotiation. This type of parenting may lead to negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, low self-confidence and lack of autonomy.

When it comes to children’s emotional development, authoritative parenting is seen as the most effective approach. Studies have found that children raised with an authoritative parenting style tend to be better at regulating their emotions because they have been taught how to do so in an emotionally supportive environment. They also tend to be more resilient when faced with challenges because they know their parents will be there to help them through difficult times. Furthermore, these children are more likely to have higher levels of self-esteem since they receive unconditional love and recognition from their parents while also feeling free to express themselves within certain boundaries.

In contrast, authoritarian parenting can lead to feelings of insecurity in children due to their lack of autonomy and inability to communicate openly with their parents about issues or concerns. Children who are raised with this type of parenting often experience high levels of stress due to fear of punishment for not following the rules which can further lead to emotional problems such as depression or anxiety down the line.

Therefore, it is important for parents to ensure that they provide a loving environment that allows for open communication while still setting clear limits on behavior in order foster healthy emotional development in their children.

Impact On Academic Performance

When it comes to parenting styles, there's a big difference between authoritative and authoritarian. Authoritative parenting is like taking a gentle stroll along the beach. It involves setting clear expectations for children, but also allowing them to make their own decisions and learn from their mistakes. On the other hand, authoritarian parenting is more like an uphill climb on a slippery slope. It involves strict rules with little room for compromise or negotiation. So how does each of these parenting styles affect a child's academic performance?

In studies comparing authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles, it's been found that the authoritative style has a positive effect on academic performance. This style gives children the freedom to make choices while still providing them with guidance and support. When parents are firm yet supportive in their expectations, children are more likely to strive for academic excellence. They feel secure in knowing that their parents will be there to help them if they run into any issues along the way.

Conversely, research suggests that authoritarian parenting has a negative impact on academic achievement. This approach may lead to feelings of resentment or rebellion in children who feel restricted by rigid rules and excessive punishment. As a result, they may become less motivated to perform well in school or take risks with their studies. They may also be less likely to ask for help if they encounter difficulties because they don't want to disappoint or incur further punishment from their parents.

The effects of authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles on academic performance show how important it is for parents to strike a balance between providing guidance and setting boundaries while also giving their children space to explore and learn independently.

Comparison To Permissive And Neglectful Styles

Having discussed the impact of authoritative parenting on academic performance, let's now compare it to permissive and neglectful styles. The permissive style is characterized by a lack of parental control and rules. This often leads to children having little structure and guidance in their lives. As such, they may struggle academically as they do not have the discipline needed for educational success. On the other hand, the neglectful style is one that does not provide any guidance or support for a child's development. This type of parenting can lead to children feeling insecure and unmotivated, which in turn can negatively affect their academic performance.

In contrast to both of these styles, the authoritative parenting style provides a balance between nurturing and firmness. Children are given clear expectations and boundaries while also being encouraged to explore their own individual interests and talents. This allows them to develop into self-directed learners who are more likely to succeed academically. Furthermore, having an authoritative parent encourages children to think for themselves and make healthy decisions independently.

The difference between an authoritative approach versus permissive or neglectful styles is evident in how it affects a child's academic performance - one promotes success while the others hinder it. Therefore, it is important for parents to strive towards adopting an authoritative parenting style if they wish for their children's academic success.

Techniques For Adopting An Authoritative Style

An authoritative parenting style is one of the most effective approaches to raising children. This approach balances setting boundaries and providing warmth, while promoting autonomy and self-regulation. Adopting an authoritative style requires consistency and patience, but can be incredibly rewarding for both parents and children.

When implementing an authoritative parenting style, parents should focus on communication, respect, rules, and consequences.

Communication Respect Rules & Consequences
Listening to your child's feelings & needs Encouraging independence & responsibility Setting age-appropriate limits & expectations
Speaking with warmth & understanding Valuing your child's opinions Consistently enforcing consequences for inappropriate behavior
Acknowledging your child's emotions & mistakes Treating your child with kindness & fairness Allowing natural consequences when appropriate

The key to success when adopting an authoritative parenting style is balance. Parents should strive for a balance between being supportive and setting appropriate limits. They should also strive for a balance between teaching their children right from wrong without being overly demanding or judgmental. When done correctly, this approach will foster a positive relationship between parent and child while allowing the child to learn important life skills.

Having clear expectations that are fair and consistent is essential in creating a successful environment for learning these life skills. Parents should be sure to provide their children with plenty of opportunities to practice these skills in order to become confident in their abilities. Positive reinforcement goes a long way in helping children develop self-esteem so they can use these newfound skills in different situations outside of the home. With proper guidance from loving parents, children can learn how to think critically, make good decisions, resolve conflicts peacefully and take responsibility for their actions.

By applying this balanced approach consistently over time, parents can help their children develop into well-rounded individuals who have strong character traits such as empathy, self-discipline, resilience and problem solving abilities - all essential building blocks for leading a fulfilling life! With this foundation in place, it will be easier for parents to move onto strategies for avoiding an authoritarian style which may not produce the same desirable outcomes as an authoritative one.

Strategies For Avoiding An Authoritarian Style

It is important to note that there is a huge difference between authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles. While both may share some similarities, such as setting high expectations, the way in which a parent interacts with their child can have a significant impact on their development. According to statistics, children who are raised in an authoritative home have better outcomes in areas such as academic performance and social skills than those raised in authoritarian homes. Therefore, it is essential to know how to avoid adopting an authoritarian parenting style.

Firstly, it is important for parents to use age-appropriate guidelines when communicating with their child. It is not only ineffective but also detrimental for parents to expect their young children to understand complex concepts or adhere to strict rules. Instead, parents should communicate with their children using words and phrases that are appropriate for their age level. This includes using simple instructions and explanations so that the child can easily understand what is expected of them.

Additionally, parents should also be open and understanding towards the needs of their child without putting too much emphasis on punishment when mistakes are made.

Secondly, it is essential for parents to provide opportunities for their children to make decisions on their own. Parents should allow their children the freedom to explore different activities while providing guidance whenever necessary. This helps build independence and encourages creativity within the child while still allowing them to develop into responsible adults under parental supervision. Furthermore, it also teaches them how to think critically about different situations without being overbearing or oppressive towards them.

Lastly, it is important for parents to remain calm during difficult situations with their child instead of resorting immediately to punishments or threats. In these moments of tension, parents should take a step back and allow themselves time before responding angrily or aggressively towards the situation at hand. Taking this approach will help establish a more positive relationship between parent and child by displaying respect and patience even during challenging times rather than demanding obedience through fear or intimidation tactics.

By following these strategies, parents can effectively avoid adopting an authoritarian style while still ensuring that they maintain control of the household environment in order to promote healthy development within their children's lives. By taking into account age-appropriate guidelines, providing opportunities for independence, and remaining patient during difficult situations with your child; you can be sure that you are creating an atmosphere where your family members can flourish both mentally and emotionally together as one unit rather than through fear or oppression from an authoritative figurehead.

Age Appropriate Guidelines

Authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting styles have distinct differences in the way they approach disciplining their children. Authoritative parents believe in providing guidance with a sense of understanding, while authoritarian parents are more likely to enforce rules with an expectation of obedience. Both styles have age-appropriate guidelines that should be followed in order to ensure that children are being disciplined appropriately.

  • Establish clear boundaries for behavior and consequences for breaking them.
  • Use positive reinforcement when appropriate, such as praising accomplishments or providing rewards for good behavior.
  • Encourage communication between parents and children to allow for a better understanding of expectations.
  • Foster independence by giving children autonomy over decisions within the established boundaries.
  • Model the behavior you want to see from your child and provide consistent discipline when it is necessary.

These guidelines will help ensure that both authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles are applied effectively, depending on the needs of each child. Rather than assuming one style is superior to the other, it’s important to recognize when different approaches may be necessary for different situations. This can help create a balanced approach towards disciplining children that takes into account both types of parenting styles. With this in mind, let's move onto how conflict resolution can be handled when these two styles come into play.

Resolution When Styles Conflict

Moving beyond age appropriate guidelines, it is important to consider the different parenting styles. Authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles have both been shown to have their merits and drawbacks.

Authoritative parenting style is often described as a balance between being demanding and responsive to the needs of a child. Parents who use this style set clear expectations for their children, but also offer warmth, support, and understanding. This type of parenting allows for open communication between parent and child so that each party can understand the other’s perspectives.

In contrast, authoritarian parenting style is characterized by strict rules laid out by parents with little room for negotiation or discussion. This style values obedience from the child, but does not always take into account the feelings of the child or their opinion on matters at hand.

When these two parenting styles conflict it can be difficult to resolve the issue without compromising either side’s beliefs. To do this it is important to maintain an open dialogue between parent and child while ensuring mutual respect is maintained on both sides. It is also essential to remain flexible in order to find a compromise that works best for everyone involved in the situation. Ultimately, when resolving differences between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles it is important to remember that each person has a right to their own opinions while still valuing and respecting one another’s viewpoint.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between Authoritative And Authoritarian Parenting Styles?

When it comes to parenting, there are many different styles that parents can choose to employ. But two of the most common parenting styles are authoritative and authoritarian. So, what is the difference between them?

Authoritative parenting focuses on providing a balanced approach that emphasizes parental involvement, communication, and mutual respect. It encourages children to be independent and responsible while setting clear boundaries and expectations. Parents who take this approach tend to be supportive and nurturing but also firm and consistent in their rules. They strive to maintain a healthy balance between structure and freedom. Here are some key points of authoritative parenting:

1. Establishing clear rules while still allowing for some flexibility

2. Openly communicating with children about decisions and expectations

3. Showing warmth, understanding, support, and encouragement

4. Holding children accountable for their behavior while providing guidance and direction

On the other hand, authoritarian parenting tends to be more rigid in its structure and discipline methods which involve strict rules enforced with punishments or rewards rather than communication or reasoning with the child. This style does not encourage independence or creativity but instead focuses on obedience from the child by emphasizing parental control over decision-making about things such as schoolwork, extracurricular activities, bedtimes, etc. Here are some key features of authoritarian parenting:

1. Setting strict rules with little-to-no room for negotiation or compromise

2. Expecting unquestioning obedience from children without explanation

3. Using punishments or rewards as incentives to maintain control over behaviors

4. Having a hands-off approach when it comes to communication or problem solving

Both authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles have their pros and cons depending on the individual situation they are applied in; however, research suggests that an authoritative approach is generally better suited for developing strong parent-child relationships as well as fostering self-discipline among children without sacrificing their autonomy or sense of responsibility.

How Can I Tell Which Parenting Style Is Best For My Family?

Choosing the right parenting style for your family can be a daunting task. Did you know that, according to Psychology Today, authoritarian parents are more likely to have children who suffer from anxiety or depression? That's why it's important to understand the differences between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles so you can make an informed decision.

Here are three key points to consider when choosing a parenting style:

1. Authoritative parents balance rules and expectations with respect for their child’s autonomy and opinion.

2. Authoritarian parents prioritize obedience over communication and often use punishment as a way of enforcing compliance.

3. An authoritative approach encourages children to take responsibility for their actions, while an authoritarian approach emphasizes parental control over their children’s decisions and choices.

When it comes to selecting the best possible parenting style for your family, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It is important to evaluate what works best for your individual family dynamic and consider how each approach might impact your children in the long run. For example, if you want your kids to develop independence and resilience, then an authoritative approach may be best suited for fostering those qualities in them. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more disciplined environment where rules are strictly enforced, then an authoritarian approach may be better suited for your family situation.

Ultimately, it’s up to you as a parent to decide which style will be most effective in helping your children grow into well-rounded individuals who are capable of making responsible decisions on their own. While it may take some trial and error before finding the right balance between freedom and structure in your household, it is worth taking the time to properly assess what works best so that you can provide a positive home environment that both supports and challenges your children throughout their childhoods.

How Can I Incorporate Authoritative Parenting Techniques Into My Parenting Style?

When it comes to parenting, it's often hard to know which techniques are best for our family. Incorporating authoritative parenting into one's style is a great way to strike a balance between understanding and setting boundaries. To help parents understand how they can incorporate this type of parenting into their own style, here are three key points:

1. Establishing clear expectations:

  • Explain why certain rules are in place
  • Explain consequences if the expectations aren't met
  • Give children the opportunity to voice their opinions and be heard

Developing strong communication skills:

  • Listen carefully and attentively to what your children have to say
  • Show them that you take their feelings seriously by acknowledging them
  • Find common ground when discussing difficult topics

3. Providing structure and support:

  • Make sure your children have consistent schedules and routines
  • Set appropriate limits that give them a sense of safety and security
  • Offer guidance, but also allow them some freedom to explore on their own terms

Incorporating authoritative parenting into one's style can feel daunting at first. But by following these tips, parents can create an environment that is both nurturing yet firm. It encourages open dialogue, provides structure, and allows for a healthy balance between independence and guidance. With practice, parents are sure to find this approach rewarding as they watch their children grow into responsible adults with strong communication skills.

What Can I Do To Ensure That My Children Will Have Positive Social Skills, Emotional Development, And Academic Performance?

As a parent, I'm always looking for ways to ensure that my children will have healthy social skills, emotional development and academic success. To help achieve this, I want to incorporate authoritative parenting techniques into my parenting style. This is an approach that allows me to be both firm and nurturing at the same time.

To raise my kids with an authoritative parenting style, I need to be consistent in my expectations for them. This means being clear about what behaviour is acceptable and unacceptable, as well as setting reasonable boundaries. By enforcing these rules firmly but fairly, my children will learn to follow guidelines without feeling overwhelmed or restricted.

At the same time, it's important for me to provide a warm and supportive environment where my kids can feel safe enough to express themselves freely. I strive to create an atmosphere of trust and respect between us so they know that their opinion matters. Additionally, I make sure to give them plenty of positive reinforcement when they do something well or behave appropriately.

By adopting an authoritative approach in raising my children, I am able to foster their self-esteem while also helping them develop the skills needed for success in life. My hope is that they will grow up with strong values and a sense of purpose so they can make positive contributions in our society.

How Can I Compromise When My Co-Parent And I Have Different Parenting Styles?

When it comes to parenting, it can be a balancing act between two different parenting styles. Compromising when co-parenting with someone who has a different parenting style than you can be a tricky situation, but it is possible.

Navigating two different approaches to parenting is like walking a tightrope. You need to figure out how to meet in the middle and take into account both of your perspectives on how to raise your children. It’s not easy, but it is essential for children's development. After all, children benefit from having two loving parents who have open communication and understanding of each other’s perspectives.

In order to make sure that each parent’s views are taken into consideration, the key is communication. Talk openly and honestly about your differences in opinion and try to compromise on situations where you disagree. It may also help to focus on the common ground that you have regarding your kids' wellbeing, rather than focusing solely on your differences. A good way to do this is by creating an agreement or set of rules that you both agree upon which outlines general expectations for raising your children together in harmony.

Finding balance between two different parenting styles can be difficult, but if you approach the situation with an open mind and strive for mutual understanding then it can be done successfully. By making sure that everyone’s voice is heard and their needs are met, you can make sure that your children will have positive social skills, emotional development, and academic performance.


In conclusion, it is important to recognize the differences between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles and to find a balance that works for your family. According to recent studies, 86% of parents agree that finding a balance between the two parenting styles can be beneficial in creating a positive environment for their children.

It is also important to remember that compromise is key when co-parenting with someone who has a different approach. Taking the time to discuss each other's views and finding common ground will help you work together as parents to provide your children with emotional support and guidance.

Finally, it is essential for parents to stay connected with their children by demonstrating love, respect, and understanding. With patience, understanding, and communication from both parents, children are able to develop into well-rounded adults with healthy social skills, emotional development, and academic performance.

Additional Resources

Good Inside A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be by Dr. Becky Kennedy

No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Dan Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson

Parenting Toolbox: 125 Activities Therapists Use to Reduce Meltdowns, Increase Positive Behaviors & Manage Emotions by Dr. Lisa Phifer, Laura Sibbald, and Jennifer Roden

You might also be interested in reading our article on Authoritative Parenting vs Mindful Parenting.

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